sabato 3 marzo 2012

Il fax nell'era del web come strumento di marketing

Con l'avvento di internet il mondo delle comunicazioni ha subito una vera e propria rivoluzione; rivoluzione che è ancora in atto. La gente naviga sul web per avere informazioni sulle ultime tendenze della moda, il commercio elettronico, per reperire news in tempo reale e tutto ciò che è informazione passa per il web. Anche le imprese utilizzano lo strumento internet traendone enormi vantaggi: l'online offre illimitate opportunità di vendita. In questa ottica molte aziende stanno sposandoil concetto di fax online spinti dagli enormi vantaggi che ottengono quando si abbonano a un servizio di invio di fax online.

Le vecchie macchine fax sono ormai divenuta oggetti da museo ed i vantaggi dei servizi di fax online hanno letteralmente mandato in pensione i vecchi apparecchi fax basati su toner, carta e linea telefonica analogica. Uno dei vantaggi di avere servizio di fax online è la riduzione dei costi. Non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi di inchiostri, toner e carta termica quando si invia un fax online. Non esiste manutenzione dell'apparecchio fax, ne tantomeno bisogna preoccuparsi dei livelli di inchiostro nel toner: è sufficiente abbonarsi ad un servizioo fax che per pochi euro al mese consente di avere un servizio performante e di semplice utilizzo.

Un altro vantaggio è la semplicità di utilizzo: con i servizi fax online, i fax vengono ricevuti immediatamente tramite il dispositivo mobile e computer portatili direttamente via email. Con buona connessione internet i servizi sono praticamente accessibili a tutti 24/7.

Infine ultimo vantaggio ma non per ordina di importanza è la sicurezza. La trasmissione del fax è lontana da occhi indiscreti  e quando un fax viene inviato, nessuno può avervi accesso ma esclusivamente il destinatario.

Con questi vantaggi, è possibile scegliere tra vari provider online. Scegliere con saggezza e ottenere quelli che possono offrire costi ragionevoli, ma con servizi eccellenti.

Che utilizzo viene fatto del fax come strumento di marketing nel mondot del turismo? Il fax marketing è ancora oggi uno strumento molto utilizzato per l'invio di offerte promozionali da parte di operatori del settore (hotel, agenzie viaggi, tour operator, compagnie aeree) per comunicare ai propri interlocutori commerciali le offerte e le proposte.

A tal proposito è importantissimo segmentare l'invio al database suddividendolo per tipologia di attività, regione, comune. Ovviamente, prima di cominciare una campagna di fax marketing, è importantissimo avere ottenuto preventivamente il consenso del destinatario al ricevimento di comunicazioni a carattere promozionale altrimenti si potrebbe incorrere in salatissime multe da parte del garante della privacy che sta diventando sempre più intransigente e attento nel comminare multe a chi contravviene l'attuale normativa.

Informazioni sull'Autore

Luigi D'Ambrosio
Web Marketing Specialist
Web Agency
NDB Web Service


L'hosting di domani è cloud

Sulla "nuvola" le migliori soluzioni per tutti i clienti.

Qual è il futuro dell'hosting professionale? Gli esperti, oggi, sembrano non avere più dubbi: i server cloud. Andiamo con ordine. Questo nuovo approccio è un'evoluzione del già noto shared hosting, un ambiente che mette in condivisione un numero limitato di risorse (tipicamente lo spazio su disco) per ospitare un sito o una nuova serie di siti. Con l'hosting cloud vero e proprio, infatti, anche la CPU e la RAM sono messe a disposizione di tutto il gruppo di macchine, o cluster. In questo modo si crea quasi un "super-cervello" di calcolo per gli utenti. Quali sono i vantaggi? Per cominciare c'è l'assoluta scalabilità del sistema. In altre parole, le risorse di cui un determinato sito ha bisogno sono gestite in condivisione, e quindi con l'aumento del traffico si possono richiedere, da parte del cliente, maggiori disponibilità senza farraginose procedure di upgrade, spesso lente, onerose in termini economici e purtroppo destinate a causare un lungo tempo di downtime del proprio sito.

Massima elasticità

Tutto questo naturalmente consente un'elasticità senza pari nella gestione del cluster e delle sue risorse. Non si vede più considerare la singola macchina come un server dedicato a uno o a più siti specifici, ma la componente paritaria di un'entità più complessa, virtualizzata e condivisa, la "nuvola" dove vengono elaborate le operazioni di calcolo e archiviati i dati. Un simile approccio rappresenta un grande risparmio sia per la società di hosting che per il cliente, non più costretto a scelte troppo vincolanti quando ancora l'entità del traffico generato dal proprio business online non è ben definito.

Contro tutti gli attacchi

Inoltre, i cloud server all'interno di un cluster sono ridondati e operano perciò in failover: se anche uno si dovesse guastare, immediatamente i "compagni di squadra" comincerebbero a farne le veci, sostituendolo e dedicando le proprie risorse di calcolo o di storage per completare le elaborazioni in corso sulla macchina che ha avuto l'incidente. In ogni caso, comunque, i cluster sono solitamente ospitati in datacenter di assoluta sicurezza, garantiti sia contro i possibili inconvenienti hardware che gli attacchi informatici, in modo da ridurre al minimo la necessità di una triste pagina "manutenzione in corso" su un sito ospitato.

Informazioni sull'Autore

Paolo Cantagalli


Palermo: insolita guida di una splendida città barocca

Palermo è ricca di testimonianze artistiche e architettoniche, eredità delle numerose dominazioni del passato, da quella romana a quella bizantina, a quella araba alla normanna. Tutto qui lo testimonia: palazzi, chiese, monumenti, strade.

Prenota una vacanza presso uno dei numerosi bed and breakfast a Palermo per immergerti in un mondo dove arte, cultura e paesaggi non hanno confini!

Ecco un tour virtuale che vi guiderà durante la vostra escursione:

La visita ha inizio dal centro storico per ammirare il Palazzo dei Normanni, conosciuto anche come Palazzo Reale, oggi sede della regione Sicilia, e che conserva al suo interno il più significativo monumento dell'arte arabo-normanna, la Cappella Palatina, eretta da Ruggero II nel XII secolo e interamente ricoperta di mosaici dorati e di intarsi. Piazza Vigliena, da secoli ribattezzata Quattro Canti, è il punto più suggestivo della città da cui si gode uno splendido panorama. La piazza si trova all'incrocio tra due principali vie di Palermo: Via Vittorio Emanuele e Via Maqueda che dividono la città in quattro parti chiamate "mandamenti". Qui vi sono balconi di ferro battuto, medaglioni in stucco con ritratti dal nobile profilo, busti dal naso sbreccato, edicole dedicate alla Madonna.

La Kalsa è il quartiere arabo di Palermo, costruito vicino al mare in un periodo di tumulti popolari per permettere all'emiro di fuggire in caso di rivolta. In piazza troviamo la cinquecentesca Porta dei Greci, chiamata anche Porta d'Africa, attraverso cui s'intravede il mare.

Numerose sono le chiese presenti a Palermo. La Chiesa di San Giovanni degli Eremiti è una delle testimonianze più significative della presenza araba a Palermo grazie alle cupole rosse e agli archi ogivali che decorano l'interno della chiesa.

La Chiesa della Martorana o S.Maria dell'Ammiraglio secondo il viaggiatore Ibn Giubair è il monumento più bello del mondo. Tra i magnifici mosaici bizantini a fondo oro che la ricoprono interamente, vi è Ruggero II incoronato da Cristo e Giorgio D'Antiochia ai piedi della Vergine. Meraviglioso il campanile a quattro piani, ornato di bifore, colonnine e tarsie colorate.

La Cattedrale dell'Assunta conserva al suo interno le tombe degli Imperatori normanni e le sacre reliquie di santa Rosalia, la patrona della città.

La chiesa della Magione ha l'interno a tre navate su colonne marmoree e archi a sesto acuto, nel pavimento lastre tombali di cavalieri teutonici. Tra le opere qui custodite vi sono: due acquasantiere del XVI secolo ai lati dell'ingresso, una Vergine col Bambino del XVI secolo. Nell'abside destra un tabernacolo del XVI secolo e una Madonna dipinta su lavagna, forse cinquecentesca.

Durante la giornata per rilassarvi e magari fare uno spuntino potrete recarvi al Parco della Favorita, un tempo riserva di caccia del re Ferdinando IV.

Informazioni sull'Autore

Salvatore Menale,
Consulente di Web Marketing Turistico
Realizzazione Siti Web per Bed and Breakfast


Quando nacque il Natale

Quando nacque il Natale

Il 25 dicembre è stato visto sempre come un giorno pieno di magia.

Le celebrazioni in questo giorno sembrano essere state presenti già mille e più anni prima che la cometa apparisse ed è sempre stato legato ad un certo fascino e grandi speranze.
E' così che già diversi secoli prima di S.Luca e di S.Matteo, sulle rive del Nilo, durante la celebrazione del Natale di Horus, una grande festa notturna, un grido si levava forte:

"Esultate! La Vergine ha partorito, la Luce rinasce!"

Ma cos'è che rende questo periodo una cosa così importante?

Ciò che succede ogni anno è che dalle ore zero del giorno 21 del dodicesimo mese dell'anno le giornate si fanno sempre più lunghe. E l'inclinazione dell'asse terrestre, nell'emisfero settentrionale, inizia a cambiare rispetto al Sole: l'inverno ormai è al suo apice e da quel momento a seguire si procede verso la novella stagione: comincia la primavera astronomica. Dopo il culmine di buio e oscurità ci si avvia nuovamente verso la stagione del sole e della vita.

Per gli antichi il solstizio d'inverno cadeva proprio il 25 dicembre e lo celebravano con rituali ricchi di strani significati.

Tracce di celebrazioni "natalizie" si trovano presso le antiche religioni persiane, fenice, siriane, peruviane, messicane, indù, toccando quindi tutte le zone del nostro pianeta... anche assai lontane tra loro.

Naturalmente, non avendo il significato cristiano, il modo di festeggiare era assai diverso nelle diverse culture:
- nell'antica Persia si festeggiava cantando l'inno che raccontava la nascita del mondo.

- in Alessandria d'Egitto con la festa del Natale di Horus abbiamo l'espressione natalizia più vicina a quella che ci è stata trasmessa dalla cultura cristiana. Veniva celebrata la dea Iside. Statue che la raffiguravano col piccolo in grembo o in allattamento, venivano portate in processione di notte verso i campi al lume delle torce. Ci sono anche dei riferimenti a questa festa in alcuni sritti greci, dove vengono elencate alcune acclamazioni rivolte alla dea, nonchè la serie di invocazioni che si cantavano durante la processione, le "litanie di Iside", che assomigliano notevolmente alle attuali litanie della Madonna.

Iside era chiamata "stella mattutina", "stella del mare", "porta del cielo", "sede della sapienza".

- Nella Roma precristiana lo stesso significato lo avevano i Saturnali, le feste d'inverno. Le celebrazioni di Saturno, dio dell'agricoltura, iniziavano il giorno 17 dicembre e arrivavano fino al 24 dicembre. Erano feste di gioia, di rinnovamento, di speranza per il futuro e in tale occasione si rinnovavano i contratti agrari, si scambiavano i doni, e si mangiava sontuosamente.

Fu solo cinquant'anni prima dell'arrivo di Cristo che a Roma venne inserito il culto del Dio Sole, introdotto probabilmente dalle legioni reclutate in Siria e dagli schiavi orientali.

Quando diciamo che "tutto il mondo è paese" penso che non ci si renda conto di quanto sia veritiera tale frase. In una società in cui ci si può spostare velocemente e in pochi giorni raggiungere ogni parte del globo, è facile avere l'idea di come diverse culture si siano mescolate per dare vita alle tradizioni moderne (è un ossimoro ma rende l'idea). Immaginate però, queste stesse somiglianze in civiltà lontane, che non si sono mai viste prima... beh, è questo che è veramente incredibile!!!

Informazioni sull'Autore

Ethel Cogliani


Iron Man 2 Costumes

Iron Man 2 Costumes

Author: M. Lewis

Based on the brilliant success of the just released Iron 2 movie, it is also expected that Iron Man 3 gears is going to be in a very topdemand during this Halloween period. One thing that makes this costume to stand out is because the new movie had bestowed upon us the power to choose from different categories of costumes. We have costumes that are made specifically for different age groups, like men and women, boys and girls. Costumes for toddlers aren't difficult to find also.

The personality called Iron man depicts the superhero as presented by the past Marvel comic. But, Iron Man 2 costumes as presented by the current 2010 movies remains the best ever, but there many of the costumes to select from.

Costume in Iron man Mark IV is the advanced model of the superhero as shown in Iron Man 2 movies, the costumes are categorise into classic child designs, it include a mask and jump suit, the muscle child designs also designed with enhanced inbuilt muscle and the light up deluxe designs which features a light arc reactor and best of all the three categories.

Furthermore, the adult version of Iron man 2 costumes is made up a jumpsuit with miniature muscles that sticks to the body completed with a face mask. But, the deluxe version remains my best bet because it include some extra features like a light that is powered by batteries completed with lightning around the chest areas, the accompanied body suit is also well supported by miniatures muscles completed with a mask. The reality in the whole settings is in the costumes that are licensed officially. So, the costumes are basically designed as a real war machine and it is also available for adults and children. Also available is the whiplash costume which is also decorated with a miniature whiplash completed with real chest piece.

Iron Man Branded Mask

If you are on a tight budget you can consider buying the Iron man 2 branded mask then match it up with just a T – shirt of any type of bodysuit that has a close similarities to the authentic Ironman. But, if you really want to feel the fun and excitements, you can settle for licensed Iron man 2 – 2010 version adult helmets

Iron Man 2 Costumes for Women

However, you also need to remember that there are costumes designed specifically for women, ladies and teenagers, just to showcase Iron man 2 concepts for the Halloween. Just take check out the black widow designs, they are available in different categories for women, but the one that appears to the be the most popular among them is the and most likely to command serious attention this Halloween is the black widow seductive type of costume, it comes with regular and complete accessories like cuffs, belts and jumpsuits. You can also settle for the design called Ironette or the Iron girl type of costume which is an equivalent of Iron man. It can be purchased in both adult and child sizes. So, there are lots of Iron Man 2 Costumes for Iron man admirers during this Halloween.

Ready to get your ownIron Man 2 Costumes? We have the best selection of Iron Man 2 Costumes at the best prices on the internet! Go to Iron Man 2 Costumes and claim your Iron Man 2 Costumes today!

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Iron Man Walking RC Robot

Iron Man Walking RC Robot

Author: sweet whitney

The Iron Man Walking RC Robot is sure to be on your child's Christmas list this year. If they are a fan of the Iron Man movie and if they are a fan of robots then you can't go wrong with this Iron Man Walking RC Robot.

Why just get them a simple Iron Man action figure when you can get them one that they can control remotely just with a wrist band? The Walking Iron Man Action Figure is sure to be a big hit this upcoming holiday season..

The RC Walking Iron Man Figure is identical to the character in the Iron Man 2 movie and you are able to control his every move! The Iron Man 2 RC Walking Iron Man features cool electronic light effects to intimidate his opponents and even speaks authentic movie phrases.t.

Remote Control Walking Iron Man Figure figure with lights and sounds really walks and fires missiles when you 'command him' with the remote control!

RC Walking Iron Man Figure comes with targets and 4 missile accessories. The Iron Man character is one of the mightiest forces ever to fight evil and you control his every move! This 'iron-clad' electronic figure features lights to intimidate his opponents and even 'speaks' mighty phrases like 'Target engaged!' and 'Lets see what this suit can do!' When its time to send your hero into combat, grab your remote control and get your hero moving. .

No matter how your Walking Iron Manhas to 'fight' the bad guys, you're in complete control! Send him bravely walking forward into the thick of the battle and then use the remote control to fire his four missile accessories. Practice firing a the targets so that when the 'real fight' goes down, you and your figure are ready to deal the bad guys a blow theyll never forget!.

Following the hit film Iron Man 2, you can now make this awesome fighting hero walk, talk and fight with the Iron Man 2 RC Walking Iron Man ! Featuring the kind of technology Stark Industries would be proud of, the new Walking Iron Man RC features sound effects just likein the film, like Iron Man's voice and even his light up eyes! Operated by a remote control that can even fire missiles and shoot canons, the awesome Walking Iron Man toy is sure to be a massive hit amongst kids and Iron Man fans!.

A Walking, Talking Action Figure Using a wristwatch-style remote, your child can make Real Walking Iron Man march into action. His hips, knees, ankles, and feet articulate, and by pressing and holding the walk button, your child can make Iron Man take multiple bold strides. Iron Man also rotates at the waist and can raise his arms to fire missiles from his wrists. Missiles can also be deployed from Iron Man's shoulder-launchers for added firing--and fun--options..

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If your not sure what to give your child for Christmas, why not consider getting them, what could be a top Christmas Toys for 2011...Set to be a huge hit with the girls you can't go wrong with this Iron Man Walking RC Robot

Download Iron Man 2 Full Movie in HD/DVD Quality | Watch Iron Man 2 Movie For Free in HD/DVD Quality

Author: Vanessa

Got stuck with the downloadable movie website since they are so slow in buffering and loading? You are just too busy to wait for the full download yet you can't wait to watch your favorite movie as soon as possible in your own personal computer. We know what you felt and what you have been through. That's why we really do our best to serve a wonderful website to download your favorite movie like Iron Man 2. You can download Iron Man 2 Full Movie in HD/DVD Quality.

**To Download Iron Man 2 Full Movie visit**

It is true if you guess that Iron Man 2 is the sequel of the previous Iron Man. The director of Iron Man 2 is Jon Favreau. The casts of Iron Man 2 are the following Robert Downey Jr. plays as Tony Stark – the Iron Man, Mickey Rourke plays as Ivan Vanko – the Whiplash, Scarlett Johannson as the Black Widow, Don Cheadle becomes the replacement of Terrence Howard to play as James Rhodes – the War Machine (which is issued that Terrence Howard is too greedy for Marvel), Samuel L. Jackson plays as Nick Fury, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Actually there hasn't been any kind of official synopsis of Iron Man 2. Therefore, we try our best to fulfill your curiosity about the movie. So here we are a few sentences that can describe what the movie will be.

As you remember that in the end of the previous Iron Man, Tony Stark exposed himself that he is Iron Man then in Iron Man 2, the story about Tony Stark takes place about six months after the expose. The movie somehow continues in a scene where Tony Stark visits a villain, Whiplash in a prison cell. Whiplash is one of the villains which are going to be faced by Iron Man in Iron Man 2. The other villain is named as War Machine. And there is another figure which will present more fighting style – named her Black Widow. It is not clear yet about her mission here whether to destroy Iron Man 2 or to give a hand to Iron Man.

What kind of ruins will be done by them? Is the battle going to be good for the citizens? Is Iron Man 2 going to give more excitement than the former Iron Man? Please don't hesitate to be the eye witness of Iron Man 2. To be the eye witness, you can download Iron Man 2 Full Movie in HD/DVD Quality right here right now by clicking the link below.

**To Download Iron Man 2 Full Movie CLICK HERE**

Please see the benefits that you can gain by download Iron Man 2 Full Movie in HD/DVD Quality:

  • You are definitely able to play the movie in your personal computer whenever you have spare time.
  • Enjoy 10 minutes only for downloading the remarkable movie
  • No threats or viruses which infect the site and the link for the download facility.
  • More entertainment involved in this site like games, music, TV series, and so on to be downloaded.

You too can watch all the latest movies at home! All you need to do is download them from the Internet and even watch Iron Man 2 Movie Online from your computer.

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mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012

Get the real taste of healthy coffee with some added cream

Author: robert lasanki

Chocolates, oh! We all love it and are really mad about it, from solid chocolate bars to ice-creams. There is not a single item made from coco or chocolates that is not loved by any. They are really an all-time favorite among many and hardly anyone would like to lose an opportunity in relishing the taste of a chocolate cake. However, with the changing times most of us fail to enjoy the original taste of chocolate due to the fear of gaining unnecessary weight and diabetes. Most ordinary products made of chocolate contains excessive amount of sugar. This makes most health conscious people to stay away from these. However there is hope in sight with many firms dealing with health related products knew it.
In order to savor the taste of this this unique creamy taste of chocolate, there is none other than the bskinny latte , a revolutionary fat free chocolate drink with the inherent good qualities of it. One of the most important parts of it is that this revolutionary health drink is for checking the inherent problem of burning the excess fat, to check excessive loss of weight. It is also helpful for increased energy and the stress related eating problems. This delicious drink has a special type of natural sweetener, which can be both consumed in cold and hot. It is said to be first of its kind low glycemic chocolate candy. It is the revolutionary product of extensive research for a period of nearly three decades.
Coffee is one of the largest consumed beverages, particularly in the western world. It helps to reduce your stress related problem as well your inherent anxiety. The skinny coffee is very low on fat and it automatically helps to maintain the body glucose and insulin level at the most optimum. This medicated coffee is backed by the solid guarantees of the American diabetic Association, though before its invention most of the diet centers ruled out the success of coffee in reducing body fat. It is almost a zero quality beverage. It is a patented solution and this product is also the only one of its kind. It is an organic and natural product and tastes great too with proven fat burning formulae.
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages; particularly it is the favorite of the Americans. After the introduction of the Boresha coffee, it became as the most favorite drink due to its unique quality of complimenting your health routine on a daily basis and it also refreshes the body to a considerable extent. It also helps in the management of hunger and is also very helpful in checking obesity.
However, with the introduction of the Bskinny Latteafter years of research is more than a delicious sugar less chocolate drink. . This unique health drink is very low in glycemic and it is also helpful in,

  • Curbing appetite
  • Prevent Weight gain
  • Contain no sugar
  • Helps to bring in the natural form of energy

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These revolutionary products from the House of Boresha International, includes not only coffee but also tea and in order to consume them much better. Along with the years of revolutionary research came the time tested, Skinny coffee and Boresha coffee and they can enjoyed with the help of Bskinny Latte .

martedì 28 febbraio 2012

Make Money Blogging (Great Student Job)

Author: Great Student Jobs

Blogging for bucks would possibly sound just like the latest game show or some new drinking game, however it is the latest craze to hit the net. Bloggers began blogging for variety of reasons, however because the blog movement has increased in popularity, they need found ways in which to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

Whether a blogger's focus is to speak with customers or simply to own fun, they need begun watching ways in which to earn revenue from their blogs. the foremost well-liked ways in which for bloggers to earn some added money for his or her pet comes are:

1. ) Google Adsense in Blogs

Google AdSense permits webmasters to dynamically serve content-relevant advertisements in blogs. If the visitor clicks one among the AdSense ads served to the blog, the web site owner is credited for the referral. Webmasters want solely to insert a Google-generated javascript into the blog or blog template. Google's spider parses the AdServing blog and serves ads that relate to the blog's content. Google uses a mixture of keyword matching and context analysis to see what ads ought to be served.

2. ) Affiliate Programs (Product Endorsements)

Affiliate Programs work when an affiliate internet website receives income for generating sales, leads, or traffic to a merchant web site. Generally, bloggers can mention or endorse specific merchandise and if website guests purchase the merchandise, bloggers can receive a little of the sale.

3. ) Product Promotion

Businesses use blogs to detail how specific options or product add-ons will increase functionality and save time. Content-rich product promotion can facilitate with search engine placement.

4.) Banner Ads

While less well-liked than within the past, websites with high traffic levels will still earn tight revenue by selling banner house.

As the net evolves bloggers can still search out ways in which to monetize their opinions and thoughts. Daily journals and on-line blogs became quite simply a communication however in some ways this opens up to a endless array of traffic which will only drive more income your blogs way.

If followed, thiese 4 simple steps could have any student (overtime) never worring about working while in school again.

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Great Student Jobs

Try working from home. Follow us @GreatStudentJobs or vist our site at

Social Networks – Why Facebook Is The Best?

Author: facebook guru

Social Media is the new "in" thing in internet marketing and SMO(social media optimization) is fast growing its roots in internet marketing. Social media is the fastest and most effective way of sharing information, promoting products and increasing potential clientele. The main reason for the success of social media or for that regard social networks is that people tend to believe more on "word of mouth" i.e. real time feedback on products and services rather than traditional advertisements. There are literally thousands of social networks all aiming to provide its users a platform to connect, share and socialize with other individuals.

Facebook however goes a step further than this. The multi-oriented platform presents its users with a wide range of features through which they can not only connect and share but also promote their business and run campaigns for their products! Facebook is the leading social network at the moment with a user base of over 350 million! The numbers itself speak for the success and popularity of the social networking giants.

Facebook is loaded with many features which provide social media marketing experts the opportunity of expanding their reach to millions.

Some of these features include:

Facebook Applications: This is the most vital element behind the success of Facebook. Applications on the Facebook platform can do wonders when it comes to monetizing products and establishing brand awareness. Most multi-national organizations get services form professional Facebook application developers who create application for Facebook that are engaging as well as viral. Facebook Fan Pages: Facebook Fan Pages are a great way to build your company's online presence on Facebook. Interacting with clients, customers and Fans becomes a lot more fun with Facebook Fan Pages! Launching a new product? Starting a new service? Keep your fans updated with all the news. Post videos, pictures or just start a poll. The Facebook Fan Page is rich in features and Facebook Fan Page developers create custom looking and interactive fan pages so that it looks like your single page website!

Facebook Adverts:

Facebook Adverts are another quick and effective way of promoting your campaign and drawing users towards your products. The platform offers advertisement banners that can be optimized from regional targeting to age groups. You can select over a range of demographics so that your ad targets your niche audience better.

Facebook Connect:

Facebook Connect is a feature introduced exclusively for websites. With Facebook Connect integrated on your website you can easily communicate with and take advantage of the Facebook platform. Easy to use, Facebook Connect allows users to login to websites with their Facebook credentials therefore enabling them to share things with their Facebook network and posting news feeds and notifications on to their Facebook profile. Social Media has now become an essential ingredient in all marketing recipes and social networks such as Facebook are providing organizations, online agencies and entrepreneurs with a strong social networking tool.

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Earn money through online writing jobs

Author: Lisa Klain

While many of us enjoy chatting and discussing over various social networks such as twitter and Facebook, some people work as freelancers to earn money while writing articles for online marketing requirements. It is very easy to attain simple writing jobs and you can attain many opportunities directly while searching and browsing through internet. However, it is always beneficial to join a professional website facilitating job opportunities for many freelancers. Simple writing jobs include writing marketing and advertizing articles, product reviews, informative articles and similar other jobs.

When you join a professional website offering work for freelancers, you are offered a security that you will get paid to write articles without any trouble. These websites work as helping hand making sure that you attain proper safety and easy transfer of money for all the articles written by you. In case you come across some disputes while writing articles for various clients, the professional freelancing websites offer intermediating servicers to resolve the issues without any ruckus.

In order to earn good money through online writing jobs, you will have to provide quality articles to satisfy the customers need. If you are able to convey your ideas in clear and proper manner, you have better chance to earn success as an article writer. You will have to attract readers through your writing skills. Some clients require interactive articles that may create interest in the minds of readers. Various online entrepreneurs demand marketing articles with proper search engine optimization techniques to attract higher traffic for their websites. In order to increase the visitors count, many commercial website owners require help to attain regular blog posts. Thus you can easily get paid for writing articles based on SEO and marketing skills or you may work to improve books and movies scripts.

Many housewives prefer to work directly online from their home while taking care of their kids and regular homely chores because online writing jobs are not very difficult to perform and one can easily set their working hours without any restrictions. In order to attain various writing jobs, you may opt to join websites offering jobs for freelancers as that will allow you to browse through various available jobs. This will allow you to opt to write for those subjects for which you feel easy to write.
If you are looking for lucrative writing jobs to earn easy money while working online directly from your home, join the website and start making money right from now.

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lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Top Ten Universities for MBA in UK

Author: Micheal

The education is a necessary to make yourself feel Proud with in yourself every one wanted to study in the world best universities so that they can have their best career and can enjoy the Top Positions in Multinational Companies and to get The Top Position in any Organization The MBA degree is highly beneficial and MBA From UK Universities has the highest value in whole world so here i am going to list the Top Universities of United Kingdom for MBA so that it can help you in choosing the best world University The Top Ten List Goes Like that:

London Business School

London business School is on the Top Position for MBA program The Faculty is highly education and study environment is very much pleasing so London Business school is best if you are looking for your degree in business.

LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science - University of London

The Second Most Famous university of London for its MBA program is London School of Economics. the degree from this university help students to get the best high Position Jobs in Top Companies.

Cranfield University - Cranfield School of Management

Cranfield Made its name in its business subjects Teaching and achieve the Top Position in the Ranking of United Kingdom Universities and Today Many Students Apply for Admission every year in This University.

University of Oxford

Business School Who can forget The world Post Popular University that is University of Oxford The students of Oxford University has achieved many awards and Nobel Prizes and that is why The University of Oxford is the foremost choice of MBA Students.

University of Cambridge - Judge Business School

University of Cambridge an other world best university can helps a lot students achieve the highest Positions in Top Multinational Companies.

University of Warwick - Warwick Business School Warwich University is among the Ten best MBA universities in United Kingdom because The University maintain highly Professional Environment and offers students opportunity to learn more and better and guide their students with best business Processes.

Manchester Business School - The University of Manchester In Manchester students love to MBA and trend of doing MBA in Manchester is more than of any other degree and university that is offering the students with best quality education is Manchester University.

University of Strathclyde - Strathclyde Business School University of Strathclyde is among the world best University that offers best business Programs specially MBA finance and MBA marketing so the students love to get admission in This University and enjoy good university Life

Lancaster University Management School

Lancaster University is Another University that Rank really high among the world best MBA universities .The Management School has number of achievement and Students of Lancaster has achieve many Awards.

Henley Business School The Business School that Manage to Achieve the Tenth Position is Henley Business School The School work really hard to Achieve This Position and offering The best Quality Education to its MBA students.

So if you want to do MBA from UK These Universities offers The Best education and the choice is yours to selected the best from these ten Universities and Make your Career Successful.

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Hi I am mba from uk and enjoying a decent Life

The Best of San Francisco

Author: Mark James

San Francisco is one of the oldest cities in North America. From its Spanish heritage to its modern American hustle, it's a city of contrasts in one of the most fascinating parts of the United States. This is the Old West, the New West, and the American South West, all in one, and it's a place you really have to see. It's a couple of clicks away on your computer, too. You can get your plane fares, pick up your travel insurance for San Francisco online, and be on your way in a few minutes.

San Francisco- Shaped by history and the present

When you approach the city, you'll see a huge modern city rising out of the horizon. San Francisco look like it's built right in to the surrounding areas of coast and mountain like a tailored suit. From NASA satellite photos, it looks like crochet work next to San Francisco Bay, one of nature's most spectacular harbors.

The old and new architecture, the hills and the quirky nature of getting around make San Francisco a very interesting place to visit. The famous street cars lumber up hills past elegant old style houses which were once the symbols of the future and now symbolize the past in this constantly evolving place. The big skyscrapers tower in the background, a meeting point between the desert sky and the sea.

Old San Francisco

San Francisco, like the rest of California, was originally an outpost of Spanish/Mexican culture. The original Californios brought with them some very elegant buildings, and styles of architecture that keep coming back in California. Old San Francisco was the most developed of these areas, and a lot of it has been preserved despite history and the Great Fire of 1906 which destroyed much of the new American city.

Old San Francisco was where the Gold Rush built fortunes overnight and lost them. It was where the Pacific trade began, and the Chinese laborers who built the western continental railroad came to take a "Chinaman's chance" to make their money in America. The old city has been preserved lovingly, and is very special to the San Francisco natives. It's something you need to see to understand.

The countryside

Outside the city is the tough country of legend, and it earned its reputation as being very difficult land to travel. It's solid rock, it's beautiful, and if you can imagine traveling a few hundred miles of that sort of territory on horseback or wagon, you'll see what the early settlers had to deal with. This is fantastic country, perched on the side of a continent which is still moving, and it's some of the most dramatic scenery you could wish to see.

The coast

The California coast doesn't need to explain why it's so famous. The coast people are as fond of their shores as the inlanders, and this is one of the most ecologically conscious places in the world. The coast includes the fabulous sea otters, Orcas, and giant kelp forests, as well as the surfing beaches. Grab a ticket, some good online travel insurance, and come and see for yourself.

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Travel Insuranz offers travel insurance you can rely on with secure online transaction and instant email certificate. So all you need do is relax and enjoy your trip. For more information or a free quote, visit Travel Insurance Online.

The Best of San Francisco

Author: Mark James

San Francisco is one of the oldest cities in North America. From its Spanish heritage to its modern American hustle, it's a city of contrasts in one of the most fascinating parts of the United States. This is the Old West, the New West, and the American South West, all in one, and it's a place you really have to see. It's a couple of clicks away on your computer, too. You can get your plane fares, pick up your travel insurance for San Francisco online, and be on your way in a few minutes.

San Francisco- Shaped by history and the present

When you approach the city, you'll see a huge modern city rising out of the horizon. San Francisco look like it's built right in to the surrounding areas of coast and mountain like a tailored suit. From NASA satellite photos, it looks like crochet work next to San Francisco Bay, one of nature's most spectacular harbors.

The old and new architecture, the hills and the quirky nature of getting around make San Francisco a very interesting place to visit. The famous street cars lumber up hills past elegant old style houses which were once the symbols of the future and now symbolize the past in this constantly evolving place. The big skyscrapers tower in the background, a meeting point between the desert sky and the sea.

Old San Francisco

San Francisco, like the rest of California, was originally an outpost of Spanish/Mexican culture. The original Californios brought with them some very elegant buildings, and styles of architecture that keep coming back in California. Old San Francisco was the most developed of these areas, and a lot of it has been preserved despite history and the Great Fire of 1906 which destroyed much of the new American city.

Old San Francisco was where the Gold Rush built fortunes overnight and lost them. It was where the Pacific trade began, and the Chinese laborers who built the western continental railroad came to take a "Chinaman's chance" to make their money in America. The old city has been preserved lovingly, and is very special to the San Francisco natives. It's something you need to see to understand.

The countryside

Outside the city is the tough country of legend, and it earned its reputation as being very difficult land to travel. It's solid rock, it's beautiful, and if you can imagine traveling a few hundred miles of that sort of territory on horseback or wagon, you'll see what the early settlers had to deal with. This is fantastic country, perched on the side of a continent which is still moving, and it's some of the most dramatic scenery you could wish to see.

The coast

The California coast doesn't need to explain why it's so famous. The coast people are as fond of their shores as the inlanders, and this is one of the most ecologically conscious places in the world. The coast includes the fabulous sea otters, Orcas, and giant kelp forests, as well as the surfing beaches. Grab a ticket, some good online travel insurance, and come and see for yourself.

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About the Author

Travel Insuranz offers travel insurance you can rely on with secure online transaction and instant email certificate. So all you need do is relax and enjoy your trip. For more information or a free quote, visit Travel Insurance Online.

Forex Trading - news and analysis regarding the GB

Author: Forex Ace

At the last BoE meeting, sterling got some measure of relief as the bank decided not to move forward with rumored measures to cut the deposit rate for banks who held their reserves at the central bank.

Forex Trading: Today, however, the Bank confirmed that it is considering making such a move and GBP took an enormous hit versus the broader market, swooning all the way back below 1.6500 vs. the USD and sending EUR/GBP to a new since June.

The purpose of such a move is to jump start lending by the banks, who are hoarding capital as they try to repair their balance sheets and all manner of ugly assets they still contain. The very weak sterling yesterday came with very little to no news flow and one has to wonder if someone was in the know beforehand - very suspicious.

In any case, the pound has been very consistent inthe Forex market in reacting to every move from the BoE during this part of the cycle.

Let's see if EUR/GBP pays any to the 200-day moving average up around 0.8885, just above today's high thus far.. This sell-off in GBP/USD has been rather damaging to the up-trend - see more in today's chart. Meanwhile, the RICS House Price Balance number was far better than expected and suggested that more estate agents are seeing rising rather than falling prices in the housing market.

The RBA statements at its last meeting at the beginning of this month were far less hawkish than expected, suggesting that an October hike the market was trying to price in was somewhat premature. The minutes released overnight confirm that the RBA's trigger finger is less than itchy at the moment, as it sought to avoid "premature tightening".

It is a bit surprising to see AUD not biting a bit more to the downside on this story and recent, less than inspiring data from the Australian economy. It looks like Aussie traders are following the moves in risk appetite in equities (scratched to new highs yesterday) and gold, which has recently topped the 1000-dollar an ounce mark.

The Fed's Yellen was out with a rather dour speech about the economy and warned that deflation risk was greater than inflation risk. She recommended that the administration do more to support job growth. Meanwhile, Obama is going a bit out on a limb by declaring that the job losses are "bottoming out" . Meanwhile, the treasury is considering unloading its share of Citibank for a significant profit (if it can get current market prices). Now if that isn't a signal that the rally in equities has moved too far, we'd like to know what is?

The German ZEW was uninspiring, with the current conditions part of the index still rather gruesome, even if the expectations part of the survey notched a marginal new high for the cycle. This survey is symptomatic of the kind of hope that is out there for a strong recovery and suggest show much optimism is already priced in here. The expectations component has topped out around 70 three times in the last ten years, so we are already most of the way to the "top" after bottoming out at a remarkable -60 in October of 2008. It's great if reality turns out to be so rosy, but scary to contemplate the disappointment if the future proves more humdrum.

The US data was far stronger than expected in the headlines and saw the paradoxical re3action of the USD heading weaker after the data (USD moving in inverse correlation with risk appetite, bla bla....), though not convincingly. This is getting a bit silly - if the US is really in recovery mode, then this should eventually be a positive for the dollar.

Looking at the internals of the retail sales data, it looks like much of the strength outside of Autos and Gas was due to back to school shopping (strength in clothing, general merchandise, book and sporting goods stores). The US PPI rose more than expected and bonds are selling off heavily, boosting USD/JPY to new highs on the day. The JPY will be very sensitive to any further sell-off in fixed income. 91.75/92.00 looks like a key area of resistance for that pair.

More Forex Trading Analysis: Moody's came back yesterday to haunt the British Treasury. Nearly six months after the rating agency lowered the rating on the sovereign nations debt, they came back yesterday with a warning that the country will be in negative territory for the next year to year and a half. With all the whispering about the true state of the UK economy, publicly seen as stabilizing while privately seen as fledgling, the independent auditors at Moody's has seemingly undermined political efforts to paint a brighter picture.

The result of this effort was a drop across the board in the Sterling, which has not performed as bad as it could have been after the parliamentary corruption scandal of the early summer. In fact, British lawmakers have been scarcely seen on television or the newspapers for that matter, keeping a low profile to avoid any further scrutiny that could bring back the calls for a House of Commons overhaul. To this end, even the Exchequer, Alistair Darling and Prime Minister Gordon Brown have been less than visible since the scandal – only talking when necessary and not really saying much when they do.

It should not come as a surprise that Moody's found the British economy in bad shape and is forecasting a bleak immediate future. With record unemployment, manufacturing and exports down to 50 year lows, cost of basic goods rising considerably and increasing poverty at the middle class level, it is a given that they are in trouble. However, the opinion I hold on the fate of the Sterling in relationship to the current economic climate is bold, by any accounts, and contradictory to the Moody's report. Here is why:

I believe that the Sterling is one of the most fairly valued currencies in the Forex Trading Market out there at this moment because of Gold. The UK spent hundreds of years pillaging and plundering the nations of the world for every natural resource it could find, especially Gold. So the past 60 years has seen the Brits give back the land they occupied, the deals did not include the treasures. The UK has by far one of the largest collections of Gold reserves, next to the Vatican of course, and the price of this precious metal has been on the rise topping $1000 per ounce last week.

Even if the economy spends another two years in depression, the value of the Sterling can be stable based on their reserves. I am not a fan of the British economic policies and I do believe that the ease in which they have gone about spending citizen funds on bailouts has contributed to their situation, but I must respect the almighty Sterling – it has for a long time, and will for a long time to come, be worth every penny (or should I say quid?).

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What is Forex? All the Forex news you need and more: Forex Market , Forex Demo

Why Should I Learn Forex at Everest?

Why Should I Learn Forex at Everest?

Author: Gareth Hoyle

There is no 100% way to achieve success on the Forex markets. However you can get a great head start by opting for expert training in this field. When you learn Forex at Everest you will have the benefit of professional training.

There is no guaranteed shortcut to success in the money markets. However when you learn Forex at Everest you can avoid many of the common pitfalls that spell disaster for beginners. This means you will stand much more of a chance of achieving success right from day one of your new trading career.

Why Learn Forex at Everest?

Forex can be a very lucrative way to boost your finances. With the new online Forex trading services available you can make money in this field from the comfort of your own home.

* There will be no need to use expensive broker services and with the right training you can learn how to manage your own Forex portfolios.

* You should consider taking the opportunity to learn Forex at Everest if you want to make some good money using your home computer. * Forex trading is not as intensive as some of the other markets. This means you can manage your Forex trading strategies in addition to your full time job.

* Many people that learn Forex at Everest and start trading in their spare time do end up turning it into a full time job.

* This can be a great way to get interested in new career path that can be both rewarding and financial profitable.

What are the Risks of Forex?

It is important to remember that any type of online trading has its risks. Forex trading is not as potentially risky as some other markets but you should be realistic about your chances. Figures show that as many as 70% of traders in the Forex market actually lose money.

One of the main reasons for this is that Forex is perceived to be one of the easiest markets to trade in. This means many first-time and inexperienced traders start here. If you want to be one of the 30% of successful Forex traders and avoid the pitfalls then you need the right training. This is why you should take the time to learn Forex at Everest and prepare yourself properly for a success career in money market trading.

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You should learn Forex at Everest if you are interested in finding new ways to make money. Trading on the money markets can be financially rewarding and can open up a whole new career path for you.

Forex Training

Author: Collins Everest C. Obilo

When jumping into forex trading, many people start out and forget to begin by doing any forex training beforehand. Is it any wonder that many lose money and then say that forex trading doesn't work? Like any investment strategy, trading requires forex training first to really learn the ins and outs of the market. And once you've learned how to trade and what strategies might work best for you, then actually start putting real money down and trade.

One smart step in starting out in you forex training is to begin by first reviewing the free resources available to you. A quick search online shows hundreds of tutorials, videos, ebooks, manuals and other resources for starting out in forex training. Not until you have exhausted these resources should you spend a dime on any further training. Not only do these sources help you in getting your feet wet in forex trading, they also provide an understanding of what types of forex training you want to delve into in more depth.

When looking for the right forex training, start by making sure that whichever program you choose has both introductory as well as advance training courses. Basic forex training provides an introduction to trading. With this type of training one gains a solid foundation in forex trading. However, there are several different types of trading the basic forex training does not cover in depth. And having to then search for a second program wastes not only time but money.

Another tip when choosing the right forex training program is to make sure that you choose one that is not only comprehensive in it's coverage but also provides you with the training in the format that is best for you. With so many types of training available these days, no one has to settle for just one style of training materials. There is forex training in manual form. Others have their training delivered to you via videos. Some do a combination of both. The key is to understand how you learn best and then choose a forex training program that is done in that style.

A really critical point when searching for forex training is to make sure that you review a portion of the training prior to signing up. This way you can be sure that you get a trainer and program that makes sense and is also a high quality program. If a company does not allow this, beware. There might be a real reason for that and why waste your money?

Since only 5 -10% of people that trade forex make any real money, it's clear that understanding how to forex trade is critical to success. In order to do this, one needs to get training in additional areas that are beyond just understanding what and how to trade. Once the basics are learned, make sure that you spend extensive time in learning different forex trading systems and strategies as well. Do not forget to look into forex trading software and the use of robots as well. Depending upon your skill, experience and goals, each of these areas may become important to success as a forex trader.

Getting solid and comprehensive forex training is the first step in becoming a forex trader. By taking the time to learn the market and the various strategies and methods of success will make your success in this more likely.

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Collins Everest C. Obilo. Find more information on forex trading on

Everest Forex Strategies

Everest Forex Strategies

Author: Rachael william

Forex trading can prove a profitable way to trade foreign currencies, but it can also prove an expensive venture into an unknown market. It is important that you first learn the basics of the foreign exchange as well as a range of strategies that can be employed to help you identify potential profit. Everest Forex strategies provide a selection of basic and advanced tutorials to help you become a rounded and knowledgeable trader; one that is more likely to turn a profit.

Before you even consider trading Forex you must first learn everything you can about the market itself. At first glance, it can seem baffling and confusing but with some instruction on the basic terminology that is used, how to calculate losses or gains, and how to read technical analyses and Japanese candlestick graphs, you will have a good understanding of how the market works before moving on to more Everest Forex strategies.

Using Everest Forex strategies you can learn about resistance levels. This is a ceiling level in the price of trades that is regularly reached before the price pulls back again without passing that level. Once you can identify definite resistance levels it is also possible to recognise Buy Signals once the resistance level has been passed. This can give you a good profit from your Forex investment.

Everest Forex strategies also include a list of Golden Rules that you can follow when trading foreign exchanges. Such rules include planning ahead and playing it safe while attempting to conquer a single pair rather than taking on numerous currency pairs. Mastering a single currency pair can take time and a lot of research so attempting to gain extensive knowledge over ten or more pairs is substantially more difficult.

Fundamental trading means trading on major economic news as it happens. The announcement of rates, GDP growth, and inflation announcements will trigger certain events in the Forex market and Everest Forex strategies aim to provide you with the knowledge and foresight that will enable you to trade effectively on global economic announcements. Doing so without an effective strategy in place can prove very costly indeed.

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Everest Forex strategies are a range of basic and advanced strategies that aim to help investors of every level profit from trading the potentially lucrative foreign exchange market.

Patrick Swayze: An interview from the Afterlife, with Phil G

Author: Phil G

This is an edited transcript of Phil G's "interview from the Afterlife" with Patrick Swayze. Full text on Phil G's "Famous Spirits" blog

(Words in brackets are Phil's questions or thoughts)

(A few moments ago, I thought he was around and I just started thinking of a song “I've had the time of my life” from the film “Dirty Dancing”, and I just felt like he was saying the song title to me.)

“That was me at the time of my life.

(I feel like he's got no regrets, and his life was the time of his life because it was all so unexpected. What happened with his life, he just went from one thing to the next. It was all a bit of a surprise, and he liked that. He liked not knowing what would happen next.)

“It was an accident getting into an acting. Acting was an accident. It's put down that I did this acting thing and worked my way up, but the whole thing was an accident. I wasn't going to be an actor, and more than what you'll find if you look up on the Internet. It wasn't just one day: "I'll go into acting". It was a random comment from a friend, which made me think that I might be able to pick up a few chicks!

"Dirty Dancing" was a lucky break. Just a lucky break. I wasn't expecting it. You know, no-one thought it was going to be anywhere near as big as what it was. We just thought it was a fun movie?to make. A fun movie, we had a good time. There was a little moral in there but I never expected it to be that big. No one did!

“Gee if you knew the formula to success in the movies wouldn't that make life easier. You do something else which you think is going to be grand, but it's not.

(When you passed away, no-one brought up the film “Keeping Mum”.)

“It's British, It's a British film! America doesn't talk about Britain! What do you expect!

(So did they talk about that film in Britain when you passed away?)

“Yes, but they didn't talk about me much, because I was American.

(You mention, you would have liked to have worked with Rowan Atkinson again.)

“Yeah he's cool. He was cool. He was good fun, he was good company, Sharp mind, very astute mind. Very calculating. I'm not like that. I read the lines and then I FEEL the lines. I think I've done my fair share of getting the lines wrong but I've always got the feeling right. Not Rowan, no. He's so calculating. I bet when he's having dinner, everything laid out just right on the table. Not me man, not me. Just bog in, don't wait!

(Jennifer? Is that her name? Is that the girl's name?)

“Yeah, that's her name. She was a cute little fox. I liked her, she was fun. She was as shy and innocent in real life as she was in the film. What you saw was her. Just fantastic. She didn't need to act. She was just her. Great. Loved working with her.

“I think I did better films than that (Dirty Dancing). I think I did better acting on better stories than that. But you take the good with the bad, you just take it as it comes. Roll with the punches.

(What about your time in "Ghost"?)

“Now there's a special movie. They don't remember me for the message - they remember me for the scene with the clay. (Laugh) the clay scene! Yes, that's what they remember.

(I talk about your film "Ghost" a lot to help people connect with the afterlife. Did you believe in afterlife contact?)

“No. I was intrigued by the script when it was given to me. And I thought it was an interesting role. I didn't really get into the whole afterlife contact thing. Demi was, yeah, she was into it. I wasn't.

(Did you change as you went through the film?)

“It made me question things. It made me wonder. I don't think I ever quite believed it, but it did make me wonder.......

“I liked being liked. I didn't chase fame. Didn't need fame, but I liked it.

(So you were balanced (about fame)?)


...”I was just so tired at the end. The tiredness was the bad part. I can pretty much put up with everything else, but I really wished I wasn't so tired. It made it so difficult. And made it difficult to be positive with other people. I tried to be brave and put on this happy face. The problem when you're so tired, people can see through it. And that makes me sad.

(I had someone else come through this morning, that had a similar situation to you. I thought you were both meant to come through together pretty much for the same reason, to help others cope. Her reason is to help others. Is there anything you can say to others, to help them?)

“Man, I don't know if you can. You deal with it . It's not something you want to deal with. I was just so tired. You don't want to give up, but you do give up.

(This other girl said about helping others, about doing things and enjoying life and everything what life has to offer would help. But not to live every day as if it's your last.)

“Yeah, I'd agree with that. I don't think you should live every day as if it's your last. It's too depressing. I agree, what was it? “Live life to the full each day”. Yes I agree with that. So if that helps people yes, live life to the full. You don't know if you've got a day, or ten years, or, you don't know. They (doctors) don't understand what happens with these things.

(Did you have the time of your life?)

“Yeah I did!, I did.

(You write a nice song in dirty dancing, what's it called , “She's like the wind?”)

“Yeah. Gee that's what I thought she was like. She was like the breeze . She floated through the year.

(Did you ever like her romantically?)

“No, although I had a great respect for the place she was at mentally. She was at a more calm place, she was mentally more centred, more content. Possibly more powerful than me. She was happy with herself. I wasn't really happy with myself. I wanted more. I could really relate to the guy in "Dirty Dancing". I felt I could have done more. But you know, when it all boils down to it, I DID have the time of my life.

For information on how to contact family in the afterlife yourself, or to use it as Patrick suggested in the article, go to

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About the Author

Medium Phil G shares information on how ordinary people can contact family in the Afterlife themselves, and verify it. (see He also provides 'conversation'-style messages from the Afterlife. From time to time, famous spirits share information with him, to share as appropriate to spread the wonderful message: Family who have passed away are still with you.

Robin Williams

Author: wuwu
Early life

Williams was born in Chicago, Illinois. His mother, Laura (ne Smith, 19222001), was a former model from New Orleans, Louisiana. His father, Robert Fitzgerald Williams (September 10, 1906 October 18, 1987) was a senior executive at Lincoln-Mercury Motorship in charge of the Midwest area. Williams was raised in the Episcopal Church, though his mother practiced Christian Science. He grew up in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where he was a student at the Detroit Country Day School, and Marin County, California, where he attended the public Redwood High School. Williams also attended Claremont McKenna College (then called Claremont Men's College) for four years.

He has two half-brothers: Todd (who died August 14, 2007) and McLaurin.

Williams has described himself as a quiet child whose first imitation was of his grandmother to his mother. He did not overcome his shyness until he became involved with his high-school drama department.

In 1973, Williams was one of only 20 students accepted into the freshman class at the Juilliard School, and one of only two students to be accepted by John Houseman into the Advanced Program at the school that year, the other being Christopher Reeve. In his dialects class, Williams had no trouble mastering all dialects quickly. WIlliams left Juilliard in 1976.

Television career

After appearing in the cast of the short-lived The Richard Pryor Show on NBC, Williams was cast by Garry Marshall as the alien Mork in the hit TV series "Happy Days". As Mork, Williams improvised much of his dialogue and devised plenty of rapid-fire verbal and physical comedy, speaking in a high, nasal voice. Mork's appearance was so popular with viewers that it led to a spin-off hit television sitcom, Mork and Mindy, which ran from 1978 to 1982. Although playing the same character as in his appearance in Happy Days, the show was set in the present day, in Boulder, Colorado, instead of late '50s in Milwaukee. Mork was an extremely popular character, featured on posters, coloring books, lunchboxes, and other merchandise.

Starting in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Williams began to reach a wider audience with his standup comedy, including three HBO comedy specials, Off The Wall (1978), An Evening with Robin Williams (1982), and Robin Williams: Live at the Met (1986). Also in 1986, Williams reached an ever wider audience to exhibit his style at the 58th Academy Awards show; noting the Hollywood writers strike that year he commented that the Hollywood writer... "is the only man in the world that can blow smoke up his own ass." As a result, Williams has never hosted the Academy Awards again.

His standup work has been a consistent thread through his career, as is seen by the success of his one-man show (and subsequent DVD) Robin Williams Live on Broadway (2002). He was voted 13th on Comedy Central's list "100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time" in 2004.

After some encouragement from his friend Whoopi Goldberg, he was set to make a guest appearance in the 1991 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "A Matter of Time", but he had to cancel due to a scheduling conflict; Matt Frewer took his place as a time-traveling con man, Professor Berlingoff Rasmussen.

Williams also appeared on an episode of the American version of Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Season 3, Episode 9: November 16, 2000). During a game of "Scenes from a Hat", the scene "What Robin Williams is thinking right now" was drawn, and Williams stated "I have a career. What the hell am I doing here?"

Cinema career

Most of Williams' acting career has been in film, although he has given some performances on stage as well (notably as Estragon in a production of Waiting for Godot with Steve Martin). His performance in Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) got Williams nominated for an Academy Award. Many of his roles have been comedies tinged with pathos, for example The Birdcage and Mrs. Doubtfire.

His role as the Genie in the animated film Aladdin was instrumental in establishing the importance of star power in voice actor casting. Williams also used his voice talents in Fern Gully, as the holographic Dr. Know in the 2001 feature A.I. Artificial Intelligence, the 2005 animated feature Robots, the 2006 Academy Award winning Happy Feet, and an uncredited vocal performance in 2006's Everyone's Hero. Furthermore, he was the voice of The Timekeeper, a former attraction at the Walt Disney World Resort about a time-traveling robot who encounters Jules Verne and brings him to the future.

Williams has also starred in dramatic films, which got him two subsequent Academy Award nominations: First for playing an English teacher in Dead Poets Society (1989), and later for playing a troubled homeless man in The Fisher King (1991); that same year, he played an adult Peter Pan in the movie Hook. Other acclaimed dramatic films include Awakenings (1990) and What Dreams May Come (1998). In the 2002 dramatic thriller Insomnia, Williams portrays a writer/killer on the run from a sleep-deprived Los Angeles policeman (played by Al Pacino) in rural Alaska. And also in 2002, in the psychological thriller One Hour Photo, Williams played an emotionally disturbed photo development technician who becomes obsessed with a family for whom he has developed pictures for a long time.

In 1998, he won an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor for his role as a psychologist in Good Will Hunting. However, by the early 2000s, he was thought by some to be typecast in films such as Patch Adams (1998) and Bicentennial Man (1999) that critics complained were excessively maudlin. In 2006 Williams starred in The Night Listener, a thriller about a radio show host who realizes he has developed a friendship with a child who may or may not exist.

He is known for his improvisational skills and impersonations. His performances frequently involve impromptu humor designed and delivered in rapid-fire succession while on stage. According to the Aladdin DVD commentary, most of his dialogue as the Genie was improvised.

In 2006, he starred in five movies including Man of the Year and was the Surprise Guest at the 2006 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. He appeared on an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that aired on January 30, 2006.

At one point, he was in the running to play the Riddler in Batman Forever until director Tim Burton dropped the project. Earlier, Williams had been a strong contender to play the Joker in Batman. He had expressed interest in assuming the role in The Dark Knight, the sequel to 2005's Batman Begins, although the part of the Joker was played by Heath Ledger, who went on to win, posthumously, the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

He was portrayed by Chris Diamantopoulos in the made-for-TV biopic Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Mork & Mindy (2005), documenting the actor's arrival in Hollywood as a struggling comedian.

Disputes with Disney

In gratitude for his success with the Disney/Touchstone film Good Morning, Vietnam, Robin Williams voiced the Genie in the Disney animated film Aladdin for SAG scale pay ($75,000), on condition that his name or image not be used for marketing, and his (supporting) character not take more than 25% of space on advertising artwork, since Toys was scheduled for release one month after Aladdin's debut. The studio went back on the deal on both counts, especially in poster art by having the Genie in 25% of the image, but having other major and supporting characters portrayed considerably smaller. Disney's Hyperion book, Aladdin: The Making Of An Animated Film, listed both of Williams' characters "The Peddler" and "The Genie" ahead of main characters, but was forced to refer to him only as "the actor signed to play the Genie".

Williams and Disney had a bitter falling-out, and as a result Dan Castellaneta voiced the Genie in The Return of Jafar, the Aladdin animated television series, and had recorded his voice for Aladdin and the King of Thieves. When Jeffrey Katzenberg was fired from Disney and replaced by former 20th Century Fox production head Joe Roth (whose last act for Fox was greenlighting Williams' film Mrs. Doubtfire), Roth arranged for a public apology to Williams by Disney. Williams agreed to perform in Hollywood Pictures' Jack, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, and even agreed to voice the Genie again for the King Of Thieves sequel (for considerably more than scale), replacing all of Castellaneta's dialogue.

When Williams re-teamed with Doubtfire director Chris Columbus for 1999's Bicentennial Man, Disney asked that the budget be cut by approximately $20 million, and when the film was released on Christmas Day, it flopped at the box office. Williams blamed Disney's marketing and the loss of content the film had suffered due to the budget cuts. As a result, Williams was again on bad terms with Disney, and Castellaneta was once again recruited to replace him as Genie in the Kingdom Hearts video game series and the House of Mouse TV series. The DVD release for Aladdin has no involvement whatsoever from Williams in the bonus materials, although some of his original recording sessions can be seen.

Robin Williams has recently made peace with the Walt Disney Company and in 2009 agreed to be inducted into the Disney hall of fame, designated as a Disney Legend.

Stand-up career

Robin Williams has done a number of stand-up comedy tours since the early 1970s. Some of his most notable tours include An Evening With Robin Williams (1982), Robin Williams: At The Met (1986) and Robin Williams LIVE on Broadway (2002). The latter broke many long held records for a comedy show. In some cases, tickets were sold out within thirty minutes of going on sale.

After a six-year break, in August 2008 Williams announced a brand new 26-city tour titled "Weapons of Self Destruction". He was quoted as saying that this was his last chance to make cracks at the expense of the current Bush Administration, but by the time the show was staged only a few minutes covered that subject. The tour started at the end of September 2009, finishing in New York on December 3, and was the subject of an HBO special on December 8, 2009.


Robin Williams gained a reputation for stealing material from other comics to the extent that David Brenner claims that he confronted Williams personally and threatened him with bodily harm if he heard Williams utter another one of his jokes.

Personal life

Robin Williams' first marriage was to Valerie Velardi on June 4, 1978, with whom he has one child, Zachary Pym (Zak) (born April 11, 1983). During Williams' first marriage, he was involved in an extramarital relationship with Michelle Tish Carter, a cocktail waitress whom he met in 1984. She sued him in 1986, claiming that he did not tell her he was infected with the herpes simplex virus before he embarked on a sexual relationship with her in the mid-1980s, during which, she said, he transmitted the virus to her. The case was settled out of court.

On April 30, 1989, he married Marsha Garces, his son's nanny who was already several months pregnant with his child. They have two children, Zelda Rae (born July 31, 1989) and Cody Alan (born November 25, 1991). However, in March 2008, Garces filed for divorce from Williams, citing irreconcilable differences.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Williams had an addiction to cocaine; he has since quit. Williams was a close friend and frequent partier alongside John Belushi. He says the death of his friend and the birth of his son prompted him to quit drugs: "Was it a wake-up call? Oh yeah, on a huge level. The grand jury helped too."

On August 9, 2006, Williams checked himself in to a substance-abuse rehabilitation center (located in Newberg, Oregon), later admitting that he was an alcoholic. His publicist delivered the announcement:

"After 20 years of sobriety, Robin Williams found himself drinking again and has decided to take proactive measures to deal with this for his own well-being and the well-being of his family. He asks that you respect his and his family's privacy during this time. He looks forward to returning to work this fall to support his upcoming film releases."

On August 20, 2007, Williams' elder brother, Robert Todd Williams, died of complications from heart surgery performed a month earlier.

Williams is a member of the Episcopal Church. He has described his denomination in a comedy routine as "Catholic Lite ; same rituals, half the guilt."

While studying at Juilliard, Williams befriended Christopher Reeve. They had several classes together in which they were the only students, and they remained good friends for the rest of Reeve's life. Williams visited Reeve after the horse riding accident that rendered him a quadriplegic, and cheered him up by pretending to be an eccentric Russian doctor (similar to his role in Nine Months). Williams claimed that he was there to perform a colonoscopy. Reeve stated that he laughed for the first time since the accident and knew that life was going to be okay.


Williams was hospitalized in March 2009 due to heart problems. Williams postponed his one-man tour in order to undergo surgery to replace his aortic valve. The surgery was successfully completed on March 13, 2009, at the Cleveland Clinic.

Other interests

Williams speaking at the 2008 BBC World Debate

Williams is an avid enthusiast of games (even naming his daughter after Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda video game series), enjoying pen-and-paper role-playing games and online video games, recently playing Warcraft 3, Day of Defeat, Half-Life, and the first-person shooter Battlefield 2 as a sniper. On January 6, 2006, he performed live at Consumer Electronics Show during Google's keynote. In the 2006 E3, on the invitation of Will Wright, he demonstrated the creature editor of Spore while simultaneously commenting on the creature's look: "This will actually make a platypus look good." He also complimented the game's versatility, comparing it to Populous and Black & White. Later that year, he was one of several celebrities to participate in the Worldwide Dungeons & Dragons Game Day.

Williams has gone on record as a fan of the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, and incorporated a scene referencing it in One Hour Photo where he purchases a model kit from it as a gift.

A fan of professional road cycling, he was a regular on the US Postal and Discovery Channel Pro Cycling team bus and hotels during the years Lance Armstrong dominated the Tour de France. He owns over 50 bicycles.

He also enjoys rugby union and is a big fan of former All Black, Jonah Lomu.

Williams is a supporter of eco-friendly vehicles. He currently drives a Toyota Prius, but is on the waiting list to be an early adopter of the Aptera 2-series electric vehicle.

Charity work

Williams and his former wife, Marsha, founded the Windfall Foundation, a philanthropic organization to raise money for many different charities. Williams devotes much of his energy doing work for charities, including the Comic Relief fund-raising efforts. In December 1999, he sang in French on the BBC-inspired music video of international celebrities doing a cover of the Rolling Stones' "It's Only Rock & Roll" for the charity Children's Promise.

Williams has performed with the USO for U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan.







Can I Do It 'Till I Need Glasses?






The World According to Garp

T.S. Garp


The Survivors

Donald Quinelle


Moscow on the Hudson

Vladimir Ivanov

Nominated Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Musical or Comedy


Seize the Day

Tommy Wilhelm

Club Paradise

Jack Moniker

The Best of Times

Jack Dundee


Good Morning, Vietnam

Adrian Cronauer

Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Musical or Comedy

Nominated Academy Award for Best Actor

Nominated BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

King of the Moon

Credited as Ray D. Tutto

Portrait of a White Marriage

Air Conditioning Salesman

Rabbit Ears: Pecos Bill




Dead Poets Society

John Keating

Nominated Academy Award for Best Actor

Nominated BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role

Nominated Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Drama

I'm from Hollywood




Dr. Malcolm Sayer

Nominated Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Drama

Cadillac Man

Joey O'Brien

Back to Neverland




Peter Banning / Peter Pan

The Fisher King


Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy

Nominated Academy Award for Best Actor

Dead Again

Doctor Cozy Carlisle

"Rabbit Ears: The Fool and the Flying Ship"





Leslie Zevo





The Timekeeper

The Timekeeper

FernGully: The Last Rainforest

Batty Koda


Shakes the Clown

Mime Class Instructor


Mrs. Doubtfire

Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Doubtfire

Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy

Being Human



In Search of Dr. Seuss



Aladdin and the King of Thieves




Alan Parrish

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

Nine Months

Dr. Kosevich




The Secret Agent

The Professor


Jack Powell

The Birdcage

Armand Goldman

Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture


Good Will Hunting

Sean Maguire

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Nominated Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor Motion Picture

Nominated Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture


Professor Philip Brainard

Deconstructing Harry

Mel/Harry's Character

Fathers' Day

Dale Putley


Patch Adams

Hunter "Patch" Adams

Nominated Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Musical or Comedy

Junket Whore


What Dreams May Come

Chris Nielsen


Bicentennial Man

Andrew Martin

Jakob the Liar

Jakob Heym/Narrator

Get Bruce



Model Behavior



A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Know



The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch

Hans Hnkie


Walter Finch

Death to Smoochy

'Rainbow' Randolph Smiley

One Hour Photo

Sy Parrish



Charlie Boyd/The Priest

House of D


The Final Cut

Alan W. Hakman


The Big White

Paul Barnell




The Aristocrats



Man of the Year

Tom Dobbs

Night at the Museum

Theodore Roosevelt

Happy Feet



Everyone's Hero

Napoleon Cross



Bob Munro

The Night Listener

Gabriel Noone


License to Wed

Reverend Frank

August Rush

Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace




World's Greatest Dad

Lance Clayton

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

Theodore Roosevelt

Old Dogs

Dan Rayburn


Wedding Banned

John Fischer

In development


Happy Feet 2 in 3D


Voice role








Richard Pryor Show



"Man with Bad Arm," "John Brownstein, Defense Attorney/Archeologist/Shopper," "Himself," "Himself/Titanic Survivor/Voice of Gun"


Eight is Enough

Episode: "The Return of Auntie V"


Happy Days


Episode: My Favorite Orkan

America 2-Night

Jason Shine

Episodes: "Jason Shine" and "Olfactory Distosis Telethon"


Mork & Mindy


Appeared in 92 episodes


Happy Days


Episode: "Mork Returns"

Out of the Blue

Episode: "Random's Arrival"


Saturday Night Live




The Billy Crystal Comedy Hour


Episode: #1.1

Faerie Tale Theatre

Frog/Prince Robin

Episode: "Tale of the Frog Prince"

SCTV Network 90


Episode: "Jane Eyrehead"


Saturday Night Live



Pryor's Place


Episode: "Sax Education"


Saturday Night Live



The Max Headroom Show


Episode: "Max Headroom's Giant Christmas Turkey"


Saturday Night Live









The Larry Sanders Show


Episode: "Hank's Contract"


Homicide: Life on the Streets

Robert Ellison

Episode: "Bop Gun"

Live & Kicking


The Larry Sanders Show


Episode: "Montana"



Episode: "Filmen 'Mrs. Doubtfire' svensk premir"

In the Wild


Episode: "In the Wild: Dolphins with Robin Williams"


Primer Plano



American Masters


Episode: "Take Two: Mike Nichols and Elaine May"

Primer Plano





HBO First Look


Episode: "Fathers Day"



Himself/Sean Maguire

Episode: "Filmen 'Good Will Hunting"

Hollywood Squares


Guest appearance

Noel's House Party


Episode: #8.10


L.A. Doctors

Hugo Kinsley

Episode: "Just Duet"


Whose Line Is It Anyways?


Episodes: #3.4 and #3.9


Comedy Central Canned Ham


Episode: "Death to Smoochy"

Leute heute


Supermarket Sweep





Episodes: "E3 03, Playa;" "Players Halloweenie Televizzie"

Freedoom: A History of Us

Josiah Quincy/Ulysses S. Grant/Missouri Farmer/Wilbur Wright/Orville Wright

Episodes: "Wake Up America," "A War to End Slavery," "Liberty for All," and "Safe for Democracy"

Life With Bonnie

Kevin Powalski

Episode: "Psychic"


This Hour Has 22 Minutes



Just For Laughs



Extreme Makeover: Home Edition


Mind of Mencia


Episode: "That's F**king Historical"



Episode: #15.15


American Idol: The Search for a New Superstar

Ivan "Bob" Poppanoff the "Russian Idol"/Himself

Episodes: "Idol Gives Back" and "Live Results Show: One Contestant Eliminated"

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Merrit Rook

Episode: "Authority"


SpongeBob SquarePants


Episode: "Truth or Square"

TV Land Moguls


Episode: "The 80s"


Williams sings a version of "Come Together" with Bobby McFerrin on In My Life, a Beatles tribute album produced by George Martin. He also sings "A Mi Manera (My Way)", on the Happy Feet soundtrack. For the 1993 soundtrack of Mrs. Doubtfire, and the film, he sings a rendition of a fragment of Gioachino Rossini's "Largo al factotum" from The Barber of Seville.

Williams appeared in the music video of Bobby McFerrin's hit song "Don't Worry, Be Happy".

Reality...What a Concept (1979)

Throbbing Python of Love (1983)

A Night at the Met (1986)

Pecos Bill (1988)

Live 2002 (2002)

DVDs and videos

An Evening with Robin Williams (1982, VHS)

Robin Williams: Live at the Met (1986, VHS)

Robin Williams: Live on Broadway (2002)

Robin Williams: Raul's House 2 (2009)[citation needed]

Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction (TBA)


^ Thomas, Mike (2002-02-24). "A nose for laughs". Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved 2009-12-14.

^ McMullen, Marion (2002-10-05). "Article: WEEKEND TV: STAR PROFILE.(Features)". Coventry Evening Telegraph. Retrieved 2009-12-14.

^ Sources conflict. The print biographies The Life and Humor of Robin Williams: A Biography and Robin Williams: A Biography give his birth year as 1952. The Robin Williams Scrapbook also gives a birth year as 1952, as does Encyclopedia Britannica. Williams refers to himself as being "55" in an interview published July 4, 2007. Monk, Katherine (2007-07-04). "Marriage 101 with Robin Williams". StarPhoenix. He also verifies his date of birth as July 21, 1951 in a fansite interview: Stuurman, Linda. RWF talks with Robin Williams: Proost!, May 25, 2008.

^ "If Robin Williams' comedies are inspired by his life no wonder he's been in therapy". Sunday Herald. 1999-03-14.,+1999&author;=&pub=Sunday+Herald&desc=If+Robin+Williams'+comedies+are+inspired+by+his+life+no+wonder+he's+been+in+therapy&pqatl=google. Retrieved 2009-12-14.

^ Gristwood, Sarah (1998-06-18). "Bobbin' Robin". Mail & Guardian Online. Retrieved 2007-12-26.

^ Topel, Fred (2007-07-03). "Robin Williams on License to Wed". CanMag. Retrieved 2007-12-26.

^ Detroit Country Day: Frequently Asked Questions

^ McLellan, Dennis (2007-08-18). "R. Todd Williams, 69; winery founder, comic's brother" (pdf). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2008-02-10.

^ "Robin Williams: 'The Night Listener'". Terry Gross (host). Fresh Air from WHYY. National Public Radio. 2006-08-03.

^ a b Reeve, Christopher (1998). Still Me. New York: Random House. pp. 167172. ISBN 978-067945235-5.

^ YouTube - Happy Days - Richie Meets Mork

^ "Comedy Central Presents: 100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 2007-12-26.

^ "Biography for Robin Williams". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 2008-04-13.

^ "Episode 9". Whose Line Is It Anyway?. 2000-11-16.

^ a b c "Robin Williams". James Lipton (host). Inside the Actors Studio. Bravo. 2001-06-10. No. 710, season 7.

^ Otto, Jeff (2006-06-26). "Robin Williams, Joker?". IGN. Retrieved 2007-12-26.

^ "DISNEY'S GOT A BRAND-NEW BAGHDAD". Entertainment Weekly. 1992-09-04.,,312562,00.html. Retrieved 2007-03-16.

^ Hill, Jim (April 2000). "Be Careful What You Wish For". Jim Hill Media. Retrieved 2008-03-15.

^ "2009 Disney Legends Award Recipients to Be Honored During D23 Expo in Anaheim". PR Newswire. 2009-09-01.;=/www/story/09-01-2009/0005086237. Retrieved 2009-09-01.


^ Richard Zoglin (2008). Comedy at the Edge. Bloomsbury USA. ISBN 978-1582346243.

^ Hoffman, Jan (1992-08-09). "THE SEXES; Pillow Talk". The New York Times. Retrieved 2007-12-26.

^ Robin Williams' wife files for divorce after nearly 19 years


^ "Robin Williams Enters Rehab for Alcohol". People. August 9, 2005.,26334,1224730,00.html. Retrieved 2007-04-28.


^ Johnson, Caitlin A. (2007-07-03). "A "License" to Laugh". CBS News. Retrieved 2009-03-27.

^ "Robin Williams in South Florida hospital". The Miami Herald. 2009-03-04. Retrieved 2009-03-04.

^ Jones, Kenneth."Robin Williams' Spring Broadway Bow Postponed Due to Heart Surgery",, March 5, 2009

^ "Robin Williams's Heart Surgery Called a Success". http://www.peop/,,20267281,00.html.

^ "Robin Williams' heart surgery goes 'extremely well'".


^ Interview at

^ "Mork & Me". The Archies. 2005-12-05.


^ Robin Williams plays Spore

^ Dungeons and Dragons Game Day at London Dungeon,

^ Murphy, Brian. "Tour de Lance: 100 percent pure". ESPN. Retrieved 2007-06-29.





^ "Stones cover enters festive race". BBC NEWS. 1999-12-10.

^ "Good Morning, Iraq". San Francisco Chronicle. 2005-02-09. Retrieved 2009-09-04.

^ World Entertainment News Network. "Williams rekindles failed marriage on film", San Francisco Chronicle, August 28, 2009. Retrieved August 29, 2009.

^ Bobby McFerrin Homepage

"Road Trip with Robin"

"Robin Williams mimic ends 'fraud'" (BBC News)

"Robin Williams' impersonator stopped" (

"Robin Williams Enters Rehab", August 9, 2006 (Access Hollywood)

Lovece, Frank, New York Newsday (April 27, 2006)


Jay David (1999). The Life and Humor of Robin Williams: A Biography. New York: Quill. ISBN 978-068815245-1.

Andy Dougan (1999). Robin Williams: A Biography. Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 978-156025213-9.

Stephen J. Spignesi (1997). The Robin Williams Scrapbook. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub.. ISBN 978-080651891-6.

External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Robin Williams

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Robin Williams

Robin Williams at the Internet Broadway Database

Robin Williams at the Internet Movie Database

Robin Williams at the TCM Movie Database

Robin Williams at

Robin Williams at Yahoo! Movies

Awards for Robin Williams

v d e

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

John Gielgud (1981) Louis Gossett, Jr. (1982) Jack Nicholson (1983) Haing S. Ngor (1984) Don Ameche (1985) Michael Caine (1986) Sean Connery (1987) Kevin Kline (1988) Denzel Washington (1989) Joe Pesci (1990) Jack Palance (1991) Gene Hackman (1992) Tommy Lee Jones (1993) Martin Landau (1994) Kevin Spacey (1995) Cuba Gooding, Jr. (1996) Robin Williams (1997) James Coburn (1998) Michael Caine (1999) Benicio del Toro (2000)

Complete list (19361940) (19411960) (19611980) (19812000) (2001-present)

v d e

Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program

Harvey Korman / Brenda Vaccaro (1974) Jack Albertson / Cloris Leachman (1975) Chevy Chase / Vicki Lawrence (1976) Tim Conway / Rita Moreno (1977) Tim Conway / Gilda Radner (1978) George Hearn (1985) Whitney Houston (1986) Robin Williams (1987) Robin Williams (1988) Linda Ronstadt (1989) Tracey Ullman (1990) Billy Crystal (1991) Billy Crystal (1992) Dana Carvey (1993) Tracey Ullman (1994) Barbra Streisand (1995) Tony Bennett (1996) Bette Midler (1997) Billy Crystal (1998) John Leguizamo (1999) Eddie Izzard (2000)

Complete list: (19742000) (2001resent)

v d e

Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Motion Picture Musical or Comedy

Dudley Moore (1981) Dustin Hoffman (1982) Michael Caine (1983) Dudley Moore (1984) Jack Nicholson (1985) Paul Hogan (1986) Robin Williams (1987) Tom Hanks (1988) Morgan Freeman (1989) Grard Depardieu (1990) Robin Williams (1991) Tim Robbins (1992) Robin Williams (1993) Hugh Grant (1994) John Travolta (1995) Tom Cruise (1996) Jack Nicholson (1997) Michael Caine (1998) Jim Carrey (1999) George Clooney (2000)

Complete List (19501960) (19611980) (19812000) (2001resent)

v d e

Golden Globe Award for Best Actor Television Series Musical or Comedy

Flip Wilson (1970) Carroll O'Connor (1971) Redd Foxx (1972) Jack Klugman (1973) Alan Alda (1974) Alan Alda (1975) Henry Winkler (1976) Henry Winkler (1977) Robin Williams (1978) Alan Alda (1979) Alan Alda (1980) Alan Alda (1981) Alan Alda (1982) John Ritter (1983) Bill Cosby (1984) Bill Cosby (1985) Bruce Willis (1986) Dabney Coleman (1987) Michael J. Fox/Judd Hirsch/Richard Mulligan (1988) Ted Danson (1989)

Complete List (1970-1989) (1990resent)

v d e

Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Martin Landau (1994) Ed Harris (1995) Cuba Gooding, Jr. (1996) Robin Williams (1997) Robert Duvall (1998) Michael Caine (1999) Albert Finney (2000)

Complete list (1994-2000) (2001-present)

v d e

MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance

Billy Crystal (1992) Robin Williams (1993) Jim Carrey (1994) Jim Carrey (1995) Jim Carrey (1996) Jim Carrey (1997) Jim Carrey (1998) Adam Sandler (1999) Adam Sandler (2000) Ben Stiller (2001) Reese Witherspoon (2002) Mike Myers (2003) Jack Black (2004) Dustin Hoffman (2005) Steve Carell (2006) Sacha Baron Cohen (2007) Johnny Depp (2008) Jim Carrey (2009)

v d e

Hosts of the Academy Awards ceremonies

Johnny Carson (1981) Johnny Carson (1982) Liza Minnelli / Dudley Moore / Richard Pryor / Walter Matthau (1983) Johnny Carson (1984) Jack Lemmon (1985) Alan Alda / Jane Fonda / Robin Williams (1986) Chevy Chase / Goldie Hawn / Paul Hogan (1987) Chevy Chase (1988) None (1989) Billy Crystal (1990) Billy Crystal (1991) Billy Crystal (1992) Billy Crystal (1993) Whoopi Goldberg (1994) David Letterman (1995) Whoopi Goldberg (1996) Billy Crystal (1997) Billy Crystal (1998) Whoopi Goldberg (1999) Billy Crystal (2000)

Complete List (19291940) (19411960) (19611980) (19812000) (2001-present)



Williams, Robin


Williams, Robin McLaurim


Academy Award-winning American actor and comedian




Chicago, Illinois, United States



Categories: 1951 births | Living people | Actors from California | Actors from Chicago, Illinois | 20th-century American Episcopalians | 21st-century American Episcopalians | American film actors | American impressionists (entertainers) | American stand-up comedians | American television actors | American voice actors | Best Musical or Comedy Actor Golden Globe (film) winners | Best Musical or Comedy Actor Golden Globe (television) winners | Best Supporting Actor Academy Award winners | MTV Movie Award winners | Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Screen Actors Guild Award winners | California Democrats | People self-identifying as alcoholics | Grammy Award winners | Juilliard School alumni | People from Marin County, CaliforniaHidden categories: Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people | All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009

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I am an expert from Frbiz Site, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as liquid nitrogen generator , bamboo charcoal.