This is an edited transcript of Phil G's "interview from the Afterlife" with Patrick Swayze. Full text on Phil G's "Famous Spirits" blog
(Words in brackets are Phil's questions or thoughts)
(A few moments ago, I thought he was around and I just started thinking of a song “I've had the time of my life” from the film “Dirty Dancing”, and I just felt like he was saying the song title to me.)
“That was me at the time of my life.
(I feel like he's got no regrets, and his life was the time of his life because it was all so unexpected. What happened with his life, he just went from one thing to the next. It was all a bit of a surprise, and he liked that. He liked not knowing what would happen next.)
“It was an accident getting into an acting. Acting was an accident. It's put down that I did this acting thing and worked my way up, but the whole thing was an accident. I wasn't going to be an actor, and more than what you'll find if you look up on the Internet. It wasn't just one day: "I'll go into acting". It was a random comment from a friend, which made me think that I might be able to pick up a few chicks!
"Dirty Dancing" was a lucky break. Just a lucky break. I wasn't expecting it. You know, no-one thought it was going to be anywhere near as big as what it was. We just thought it was a fun movie?to make. A fun movie, we had a good time. There was a little moral in there but I never expected it to be that big. No one did!
“Gee if you knew the formula to success in the movies wouldn't that make life easier. You do something else which you think is going to be grand, but it's not.
(When you passed away, no-one brought up the film “Keeping Mum”.)
“It's British, It's a British film! America doesn't talk about Britain! What do you expect!
(So did they talk about that film in Britain when you passed away?)
“Yes, but they didn't talk about me much, because I was American.
(You mention, you would have liked to have worked with Rowan Atkinson again.)
“Yeah he's cool. He was cool. He was good fun, he was good company, Sharp mind, very astute mind. Very calculating. I'm not like that. I read the lines and then I FEEL the lines. I think I've done my fair share of getting the lines wrong but I've always got the feeling right. Not Rowan, no. He's so calculating. I bet when he's having dinner, everything laid out just right on the table. Not me man, not me. Just bog in, don't wait!
(Jennifer? Is that her name? Is that the girl's name?)
“Yeah, that's her name. She was a cute little fox. I liked her, she was fun. She was as shy and innocent in real life as she was in the film. What you saw was her. Just fantastic. She didn't need to act. She was just her. Great. Loved working with her.
“I think I did better films than that (Dirty Dancing). I think I did better acting on better stories than that. But you take the good with the bad, you just take it as it comes. Roll with the punches.
(What about your time in "Ghost"?)
“Now there's a special movie. They don't remember me for the message - they remember me for the scene with the clay. (Laugh) the clay scene! Yes, that's what they remember.
(I talk about your film "Ghost" a lot to help people connect with the afterlife. Did you believe in afterlife contact?)
“No. I was intrigued by the script when it was given to me. And I thought it was an interesting role. I didn't really get into the whole afterlife contact thing. Demi was, yeah, she was into it. I wasn't.
(Did you change as you went through the film?)
“It made me question things. It made me wonder. I don't think I ever quite believed it, but it did make me wonder.......
“I liked being liked. I didn't chase fame. Didn't need fame, but I liked it.
(So you were balanced (about fame)?)
...”I was just so tired at the end. The tiredness was the bad part. I can pretty much put up with everything else, but I really wished I wasn't so tired. It made it so difficult. And made it difficult to be positive with other people. I tried to be brave and put on this happy face. The problem when you're so tired, people can see through it. And that makes me sad.
(I had someone else come through this morning, that had a similar situation to you. I thought you were both meant to come through together pretty much for the same reason, to help others cope. Her reason is to help others. Is there anything you can say to others, to help them?)
“Man, I don't know if you can. You deal with it . It's not something you want to deal with. I was just so tired. You don't want to give up, but you do give up.
(This other girl said about helping others, about doing things and enjoying life and everything what life has to offer would help. But not to live every day as if it's your last.)
“Yeah, I'd agree with that. I don't think you should live every day as if it's your last. It's too depressing. I agree, what was it? “Live life to the full each day”. Yes I agree with that. So if that helps people yes, live life to the full. You don't know if you've got a day, or ten years, or, you don't know. They (doctors) don't understand what happens with these things.
(Did you have the time of your life?)
“Yeah I did!, I did.
(You write a nice song in dirty dancing, what's it called , “She's like the wind?”)
“Yeah. Gee that's what I thought she was like. She was like the breeze . She floated through the year.
(Did you ever like her romantically?)
“No, although I had a great respect for the place she was at mentally. She was at a more calm place, she was mentally more centred, more content. Possibly more powerful than me. She was happy with herself. I wasn't really happy with myself. I wanted more. I could really relate to the guy in "Dirty Dancing". I felt I could have done more. But you know, when it all boils down to it, I DID have the time of my life.
For information on how to contact family in the afterlife yourself, or to use it as Patrick suggested in the article, go to
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About the AuthorMedium Phil G shares information on how ordinary people can contact family in the Afterlife themselves, and verify it. (see He also provides 'conversation'-style messages from the Afterlife. From time to time, famous spirits share information with him, to share as appropriate to spread the wonderful message: Family who have passed away are still with you.
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